Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's not often...

that I cry.  Although, I cried last night and I cried multiple times today.

As one who is understanding of much and many, it is a difficult lesson to learn when those you thought were friends who care about you and understand you, don't, and most likely never will.

Nadia, my little 8 pounder, understood my tears more than I would have ever expected.  She looked at me with concern in her eyes and attempted to cheer me up by sporadically wagging her tail.  Her attempts were not lost on me, although I didn't cheer up then.


Joni said...

It's okay to cry (of course you know that.) Sometimes it's good to cry. Not to have reasons to cry. But life is that way. You grow and learn. Hard to be let down by someone who you thought was a friend. Hang in there! Better days are ahead!

RL said...

Thank you ladies! Maaret- I would love to talk on the phone. Maybe sometime next weekend as I am still trying to catch up with my graduate school work after moving last weekend and then having to take the week off to go to a conference on innovation in CA.