Wednesday, December 23, 2015

20 weeks, half way, 14 ounces, May 6th

I waited for December 21, 2016 for a long time.  December 21, 2016 at 10 a.m. to be specific.  I was to be at the Essentia Health First Street building at 10 a.m.  for a 20 week anatomy scan/ultrasound by a Perinatologist.  Most pregnant woman do not need to see a perinatologist but due to my 'advanced maternal age' (said with a smirk and sassiness) in addition to having an autoimmune disease NOS, I had the pleasure of meeting the perinatologist.

I had hoped and hoped that this ultrasound would include a 3D picture of what my little guy looked like at this point in his development; it did!

For baby:

  • At this point in his development I can feel him moving around.  I especially feel him moving when I'm driving or sitting in a car.  He seems to not like me to be in that position.  
  • He moves most in the late afternoon
  • He has all anatomical parts one needs
  • He wouldn't cooperate for part of the ultrasound
  • He is approximately the size mango or banana
  • He weighs approximately 14-15 ounces
  • He's cute!
For myself
  • For myself, at this point, I am dealing with strong reflux.  It got to a point where water was even causing some symptoms of reflux.  I am so thankful for the Ob/Gyn telling me that with the reflux in combination with one of my autoimmune symptoms of esophageal dysmotility it would only get worse and best course of action is to take an anti-reflux medication.  This has been a life saver!
  • I lose my breath carrying a laundry basket up one flight of stairs
  • I'm tired by not fatigued as I was in the first trimester
  • My belly popped out around 17-18 weeks
  • My legs/feet swell up a little by the evening time
  • I'm half way, I have 19 weeks left to go before we meet this little man

Due Date: May 6, 2016
Miracles do happen!

1 comment:

Joni said...

Congratulations!! Wishing you God's blessings for a healthy pregnancy all the way to the end, and for healthy Baby, and happiness for all three of you!