Monday, August 17, 2009

Thankful for prayers being answered.

In April of 2009 I was rear-ended. As a result I needed to drive around a rental car for a week. I returned the car and was pretty positive I had taken everything out. Much to my dismay a few days later I realized I had no idea where my tax documents were. Racking my brain and scouring the house, bedroom, and files looking for these documents ended with my thought that the only logical place it could be was in the back of the rental car. Calling the rental company ended in disbelief, evidently they had checked the car over and indicated that there were NO tax documents left in the car. All I could think was that whom ever had cleaned the car had taken my tax documents and now I was vulnerable to ID theft. For nights I had prayed that these tax documents would show up somewhere, anywhere, or be returned to me. Thinking about my information floating in public often left me with a sick anxious feeling. While cleaning today, sorting through a pile of documents that I had sorted through a million times before... there I found my tax documents! THANK YOU!

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