Monday, September 15, 2014

37:52 {learning}

Motivational Monday

Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask a questions, never know too much to much to learn something new. 
-Og Mandino

I've asked many questions in the past week.  Many questions specifically about how I can access the technology I need to best serve my students.  My student ages are a bit different this year.  For the past 11 or so year my students were between the ages of 0 years to 6+ years old.  My students this year are young adults.  Teaching at the University level is a bit different that E-12 level.  If I'm too big to ask questions I'm sure not to have a job in the future.

My new setup

I observe my students during their clinicals, I can speak to them from my office through technology and see their every movement.

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