Tuesday, August 5, 2014

31:52 {friends}

Late-Motivational Monday

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
-Ed Cunningham

I had a number of people in mind that I would photograph for this quote and unfortunately they do not live close to me or were unavailable for a shoot.  When in the company of these listening friends, coffee is generally involved.  So a cup of coffee stood in for the shoot in honor of all my friends.

Within each visit--Friends: 2; Coffee consumed: maybe 4 cups; Friendship: immeasurable.
I took this photo using a DIFF filter which basically is a special effects filter.  I'm not entirely sure I like the grainy effects.  Regardless, I'll offer this challenge today, call/email a friend you haven't seen/talked to in a while, or someone you've been thinking about.  Then comment below on how you felt after the visit.  I've been trying to think of a good word that describes a visit to a friend whether you are listening or talking, but have been unable to come up with that one or one to two words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
